About Alarm and Event Statuses

To ensure that alarms are being actioned by your team and looking back on the historical alarms to gather learnings.

How can it help you?

This feature helps you track and manage the progression of an Event from the FitMachine system. By keeping the status up to date you, and your team, can easily identify what action needs to be taken. If the status is "New" then the alarm likely hasn't been seen by your team.

Events comprise of an alarm, or group of alarms, associated with the same change in the condition of an asset.

How does it work?

On the Alarms Page and Event List Page, the event will appear with a status. Possible statuses include:

  • New: status upon initial alarm generation, which requires acknowledgement to show that the alarm has been seen
  • Event Acknowledged: status once the notification has been acknowledged and is being investigated by your team
  • Event Marked as Valid: the alarm has been acknowledged as valid - your team found something wrong. This will update the status of the Event to Valid while allowing you to continue commenting on the Event or remark the Event as Valid.
  • Closed as Valid: the alarm has been closed as valid. No further activity pertaining to the event will take place. This will update the event status to Closed, change the event state from Current to Previous (explained shortly), and prevent additional comments or changes from being made to the event.
  • Invalidthis should be used when no fault is found upon investigation. Marking an event as invalid will allow you to continue commenting on the event, or remark it as valid.
  • Closed as Invalid: the alarm has been closed as invalid. No further activity pertaining to the event will take place. This will update the event status to Closed, change the event state from Current to Previous (explained shortly), and prevent additional comments or changes from being made to the event.
  • Closed: the event has been resolved. 
  • Maintenance Scheduled: the equipment has been scheduled for maintenance and has a scheduled date on which this will occur.
  • Maintenance In Progress: the confirmed maintenance activity is progressing as planned
  • Overdue: the maintenance due date has not been completed as planned and/or recorded. An Event in a Scheduled status where the current date is after the scheduled date specified for the maintenance activity will automatically have its status updated to Overdue. 
  • Unscheduled: the date for the planned maintenance activity is unknown
  • Event Resolved: the maintenance activity has been completed
  • Closed as Resolved: the event has been resolved and no longer requires any activity or action and is therefore no longer required to be the Current Event. This will update the event status to Closed, change the event state from Current to Previous (explained shortly), and prevent additional comments or changes from being made to the event.

The colour of the statuses reflects the attention required.

It's only once the event has been acknowledged that you will be provided with the option to set the alarm as 'Valid' or 'Invalid' and provide a reason why. These pages will look as follows:

Setting Event Status as Valid:

Set valid reason

Setting Event Status as Invalid:

Set invalid reason modified

What are Current and Previous Events?

Alarm Events as a whole can either be categorised as a Current or Previous Event.

A Current Event is created when a new alarm occurs and no Current Event exists, or when a new alarm is marked as Acknowledged. When a Current Event exists, all subsequent new alarms and comments made will be grouped under the Current Event until such time as the Current Event becomes a Previous Event.

A Current Event becomes a Previous Event when a new event is created, or the Current Event is set to Closed status. Previous Events cannot be edited or updated. 

What else should I look at?

These are some of our related articles:


Thanks for reading. As always, if you have any questions, please contact our MOVUS Support Team here.